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Thursday, June 4, 2009

Yes, I KNOW dear customers....still have not got those images from Czechoslovakia up yet. You know why? Because I've been soooooo busy ordering new beads for YOU! Seriously, we have a bunch o' shipments coming in this week and are so busy getting ready for our 5th Annual Anniversary Bead Sale on Saturday, June 13th that I haven't had a minute to focus on getting those pics up. And did I mention my new Canon camera broke? No, really, it did. Anyway, am so onto this. I will get those pics posted, I will, I will, I will! But first Laurel (my daughter & website designer extraordinaire) needs to show me how to post pics on the blog. (Let's see if she really reads my blogs??? Are you reading this, Laurel?) In the meantime everyone, mark your calendars for our 5th Anniverary Bead Sale on the 13th. Pick up a free customer appreciation gift and get 20% off all loose beads and bead strands (no sterling---btw, are you guys watching the precious metals market 'cuz here we go again...). We also have a secret. Stay tuned...