this blog-thingy...
Wow--now THAT's hot! The furnace I mean!
This could be a bead around YOUR neck--just give it a few minutes for the process to unfold. This was part of the Czech "pressed glass" factory tour.
Yeah, I know there aren't any beads in this picture, still i love it. It's a humble little corner in one of the Czech bead factories that we visited where the employees could take "5". Less really is more, isn't it?
OK, onto business...did I mention there is SO MUCH going on around here? Thanks to Mike and Basil, our trusty construction dudes with the most'est, we are wayyyyyyy ahead of schedule. Hence, we will be closing the shop, Sunday September 6th to begin the move and will remain closed until the following Thursday, September l0th when we will re-open at 10AM (the bead goddess willing!). So much to do in between now and then, but it's all great and will knock your beads off when you see it all come together!
As if that isn't exciting enough, we just got word that our second shipment of Czech beads that we hand-picked from the Czech Republic is in route. Now who knows exactly what that means, but as least the beads are out of the factory and on their way into our beady, i mean greedy, little hands. We've been saving the beads as they roll in for our "Grand Relocation & Expansion Salebration" on Saturday, October 3rd...stay tuned and pray the boat gets here in time for our opening!!!
Lastly, be sure to mark your Fall calendar to visit two local shows that the Bead Empress does each year:
*Saturday, 9/19 - 43rd St. Festival of the Arts . Love, love, love this show--it's like "Old Home Week". Proceeds go to the Food Bank so come, shop local, support your local artists and contribute to a favorite local fundraising effort--while you're there, be sure to thank Robyn Cage for putting this all together year after year after year. It's way more work than you or I can imagine...
*Sunday, 10/4 - University of Richmond's "Arts Around the Lake" . Another favorite...and best yet, "Arts Around the Lake" finally moved back next to the lake last year making it all the more enjoyable. Bring the family or your best pals and enjoy the lovely Fall weather while supporting your local artists.