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Tuesday, June 28, 2011

i.e.* Conference, 6/23/11 -- Amaaaazing!!!

Wow, I am still reeling from a meeting of the minds last week with some of Richmond's most creative and forward-thinking geniuses who's destiny it is to make Richmond, VA, the creative capital of the country! The folks present at this think tank were a mix of small business owners, marketing companies, and representatives from some of Richmond's most innovative and community-oriented movers and shakers. I'll be pondering the possibilities of harnessing creative energy for weeks to come, but for the time being will throw out some of the 'Shout-Outs' heard throughout the day:

* "Small changes can lead to MASSIVE results!"
* "Always change--never change!" (ie., stay true to your mission, yet flexible in approach)
* "Common threads from uncommon backgrounds" (ie., shared vision & diversity = creative
* "Inspiration is for amateurs--the rest just show up & get to work!"
* "Embrace the weird...coordination of ideas with a rational plan".
* "Do stuff that matters".
* "Be MORE than great--be good".
* "Be accommodating and service oriented."
* "Own your own work--no matter how small".
* "Educate and stimulate yourself constantly so you can hit 'Reset' ".
* "Be SCRAPPY!!!"
* "Every contribution matters".
* "Drill down!" (ie., Research the end user of your product/services)
* "Be your own competition".
* "Ask 'Why': Small questions lead to clarity, ie., answers".

All of these quotes can be applied to daily ventures, whether in personal pursuits such as exploring our own creativity or growing a small business or career. Let's keep each other fired up! In the meantime check out

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