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Friday, April 17, 2009

Greg's Masterpiece

Greg's upcoming class--
help us name it! Just click "comment" and write in your suggestion...


Lisa Howerton said...

I think that a good name for this necklace would be the "Kato" necklace for a few reasons. It has a vaguely oriental feel to the design, it could be worn by a man or woman, and it makes me think of the Bruce Lee character in the Pink Panther (and how cool is that!)

Michelle B. said...

I think it looks very moon goddess 'ish. So maybe something with Selene or Luna, altho that will make it gender specific. To be really literal "Blue Moon" pendant. Albion wouldn't be too gender specific, Artemis is well known. Anyway you can see which way I'm inclined to go..... ;)